I REALLY should be studying right now. REALLY. I realized today that my test in patho is not next week like I hoped but in fact this Thursday and being that today is my only day off and I did not make this realization until about 5pm.... well you get the idea.
What did I do today? Pretty close to nothing. Woke up at 10, decent hour for me, showered, dressed, got ready (for nothing), put clothes in wash, paid some bills, ate lunch and then decided to go to the yarn store.

At the yarn store I picked up two skeins of Encore worsted, one in bright pink for Christy's Christmas present and one in a berry color for a future hat for myself which embarassingly took me over 2 hours to decide on. First I couldn't choose the right shade of pink for Christy, then I wanted to make a hat for myself but didn't know what color. At first I was thinking a cabernet one I saw but then was unsure becuase I don't look good in red. I really liked this really dark greenish teal tweed one that I found but it was too scratchy for a hat so I, put back the cabernet one and tried, with no avail, to find one like it. Then I went back to the cabernet. Then saw a shrug I liked got the pattern, spent a half an hour picking out yarn for it, settled on a pretty heathered celedon, then decided not to make the shrug so I put the yarn back. I wandered into the baby section, as I do everytime, and stared at the lush, soft yarns they have and once again had the urge to pick up a few skeins and knit a blanket or a cardigan for Sierra's babies and then remembered, like always, that I have no time to do that and walked away. I then found a beautiful shade of a dark blue-green in a dk alpaca, but I need a heavier weight than dk for a hat so I put back the cabernet, and wandered around some more trying to find a worsted that is the same shade, but didnt. So, I put the dk back and fell in love with another one of their colors, a warm honey camel, stared at it for a while, then remembered I don't have anything in mind to make with it so I put it back. Went back to the worsted and picked up, for the third time, the first color which I now decided is really more of a berry than cabernet, and then for lack of looking even more stupid, hurridly paid for my two measly skeins and left.

This was all quite silly and unecessary as I have 3 WIP's right now. The cloudy embrace sweater which I need to undo and redo the bind off becuase it is so tight I can barely fit it over myself. I'll probably just thread some elastic yarn through there to keep in line with the stretchyness of the rest of the sweater. It also still needs sleeves and the cowl neck. I have Christopher's scarf about 30% done. And the more it stares at me the more I hate it one, because I need/want to do it now that I have started it and I planned on giving it as a gift for Christmas and two, because in reality I don't even think he'll wear it. In fact as I'm writing this I'm considering frogging the whole thing and just making him a beanie. And I have my mom's scarf that I would really like to finish by the 21st, her birthday. She brought it from their trip to Vermont and said "Here you go, you can make me this scarf!" Eh.... thanks? Haha
Oh boy this is growing long. Gotta go!