hello, there
So my wedding blog has basically whittled down to nothing due to the extremely hectic schedule that I have been living the past few months. But I thought I'm long long long overdue for an update and I may as well write something so that the wedding blog isn't all for nothing. So here is what is going on right now:
The month of April has quite possible been the MOST stressful month of my entire life. The tipping point was having when I developed a nice dime sized cold sore at the beginning of the month. So for two weeks I had to walk around with what felt like a giant billboard that announced to the world exactly how much stress I was under plastered on my face. In fact the residual pinkness is still very visible on the corner of my mouth.
April has been the worst month of all for because there is just too much going on. With nursing school, and work I really only have off two weekends and even then I have things scheduled on both of the Saturdays, leaving me with two available days to myself in the whole month.
This is the last month of nursing school and for whatever reason my genius instructors whom I am sure are in cahoots with the devil, decided to schedule four out of the eight exams we have during the semester, all in the last month. Fantastic. That gives me an exam every single week, the last one being the Monday before I get married. And nursing school exams are no joke. I have been blessed with very good testing abilities and these kick my butt every time. There is nothing like walking out of an exam and feeling sure that you have failed every single time.
John and I also need to move by May 1st. His lease came up and we knew we weren't going to renew because his little place was just too small for the two of us. So we needed to find a bigger place that was still within our (his) budget and within a reasonable distance from where both of us need to be. That means that my only two free days off in April were now spent running around trying to find a place to live. And the area that he wants to live in is a unique historic area which means there aren't mass quantities of managed apartment complexes to choose from. We had to research every few days in classifieds and craigslist for postings from private renters. All this equals a lot of work and time and energy.
And then there is the wedding. I have come the point where I have started to relate weddings to tumors. They can suck the life out of you, make you get caught up in all the wrong things and will grow out of control if you let them. Its hasn't been all that bad I'm really just venting more or less but it hasn't been the enjoyable experience I was hoping for. There was a laundry list of problems that happened all along the way. I'm not sure if this happens to every bride or if its just me but I feel like I've been living Murphy's Law for the last few months. If something can go wrong, it will. And I can attest to the fact that it did.
So now I"m down to the last few weeks. Just two and a half little weeks until I become a wife and a partner to my best friend and begin a new chapter in my life. The chapter that I have been waiting and wanting to start for longer than I'd like to admit. And yes, I still have a to do list a mile long, I have homework assignments and tests to study for and we still haven't received confirmation that we have been approved for the apartment that we found but somehow this strange feeling of peace has come over me. Thats not to say that I am still not so stressed out that I'm only sleeping about 2-3 hours a night and hardly eating. But I can finally SEE the light at the end of the tunnel. The mantra that I have been repeating to myself for months now, "the end justifies the means" is really starting to happen. And it feels so good.
So for all of you who have so much on your plate that it feels like an impossible feat to accomplish it all, keep going. No matter how tired you are, how much you want to give up, how much you feel like you just don't care anymore or that its not worth it, I can promise that it is. Because in the end its not the details that matter and its not how you got there, what matters is that you did. <3
With that being said, I promise to blog lots and lots about all the details and the wedding journey once all this madness is over and I can finally think straight again.
This will be us. : )

I knew I wanted my something blue to be my shoes. Call me a Carrie follower I don't really care. I love the idea of wearing a colored shoe to peek through under your dress.
That being said I already knew, without having searched before, what I pretty much wanted the shoes to look like. The blue needed to be between sapphire to navy shade range, I think anything brighter would clash with my ivory dress. And I wanted them to be preferably satin and preferably have some sort of embellishment. If the shoe came without an embellishment I could easily put a shoe clip on them which would be vintage looking anyway.
Well I got a lot done this week.
Thanks to the help of my FI's sister I found a caterer and made a few planning changes that will make things run a lot more smoothly. I'm going with Fat Freddy's. And I'm hiring servers. I wasn't going to becuase I had originally thought, its a buffet what do I need people to do? Well it turns out I need them to do quite a bit. So I'm happy to have that out of the way. The only sad part is since I don't live there I miss out on doing a tasting. And thats the best part! Oh well.
I picked my invites. I know. I know. I already said that I picked my invites but after discussing it with my family the fabric idea was just more time consuming than I could commit to. But thats ok I'm happy with what I ended up with. I picked a preboxed invite kit by BRIDES.

I realized there is no explanation for the small "pom pom count" at the bottom of my last few notes. I am a knitter, actually because of John but thats another story. I have been looking for a way to incorporate my love of fiber into my wedding without it looking campy or cheap. I will admit that I was looking for inspiration long before I was even engaged. Hey a girl knows what she wants sometimes right? Anyway I struck gold when I found this wedding...

And so there you have it!
Here is some inspiration photos!