I know that this may be the case for most knitters but, I definitley prefer large needle, thick yarn, small item, projects. Just more instant gratification I guess.
The reason I say this is because about a month ago I visted my LYS for the first time which, for me, was like entering knitvana or something like that. There were so many beautiful yarns. I spent over 2 hours just perusing all of the many many choices trying to decide which project I would do next with my non-chain-store-yarn. I settled on a beautiful light taupe lace weight merino blend to make a capelet with and in a moment of spontenaity decided to try knitting socks and picked up sock yarn, needles and a pattern.

Now I know that there is a cult following for socks. They love doing socks at all times in every way. I'm not one of them. My "sock" that I started a month ago is now hibernating in the back of my closet with only about the first 3 inches finished. Why? Its tedious, repetitious and slow. What with that skinny yarn and little tiny needles and all. So there it sits. Mocking me and my impatience.
In the meantime I started my buttony sweater. Which at this point I realize is only one of several thousand thanks to Ravelry. And it was actually coming along really great. Until I finished and realized that I had read the decrease instructions wrong and decr

eased WAY too many times resulting in a sweater that wouldn't close at the bottom. And yes, I did try it on along the way but for some reason I didn't catch it until I had bound off the bottom. Resulting in my first frogged project. Not completly but it was still the bottom 7 inches which is a lot of tedious, repeticious work. Like the sock. I am determined to finish though, despite my constant urge to put it aside and start something else. I know if I do I'll never come back to it. Plus I'd really like to get it done before it gets too warm and the weather is heating up fast. Oh well.
On another note, I FINALLY got into clincals. Yay! Which means I am officially on my path to being a nurse and being able to say that I have a career and not just a job. Its a very good feeling becuase I have felt like Ive been standing still for a while so its nice to have verification that I am actually moving forward with my life.