So I am new to the whole "world of knitting". I decided to pick it up last November when I needed something to do on my monthly plane rides to Arizona other than reading a book. I learned quickly that I cannot knit on a plane because it gives me serious motion sickness but that is really beside the point.
I realize that most people are self taught knitters like myself. But I feel like I'm the slowest, most mistake making knitter of all time. I am what I would consider an advanced beginner. What I want to be is and advanced expert so that I can make all of those beautiful, delicate cardigans that I see so many knitters making, but that is most likely going to take FOREVER being that I don't have anything other than a bunch of youtube videos and books to teach me. So alas, I am still learning to cable which is proving to be the bane of my existence. Because for whatever reason I am creating large gaps in my knitting after I cable. A problem that even after researching (because apparently this doesn't happen to anyone else) I was not able to solve.
This problem, along with my abnormally slow learning curve does not however deter me from continuing on my quest to become better. As my ultimate goal, as I have stated before, is to knit a beautiful, wearable, cardigan for myself. In fact to further motivate myself I even bought this beautiful hand painted dark navy and turquoise yarn that I plan on making said cardigan with.
Last night I decided to face my fear again and once again try cabling. So I did a little research and picked my pattern. I like to pick smaller items as they are faster and I am already slow enough as it is. Probably another reason I haven’t started something involved like a cardigan. So I came across this cute free cable knit purse pattern on She is my idol btw, I would LOVE to be able to knit like her. All of her things are so gorgeous. You must check out her page.
Ok I’m starting to ramble.
So here is the beginning of what I hope to be a purse.
I’ll keep you posted.
A small update on the past 6 months. (because I know everyone is dying to know)
I moved back in with my parents in September. Sigh. Its not completely horrible. Its just hard to give up your independence when you have had it for so long, seven years. But I am going to be starting my nursing clinicals soon and I will not be able to work full time so I need the financial cushion.
Sadly, one of the sacrifices I had to make to do this, and in my opinion the most difficult, was that I had to give up my dog whom I adore. I had a little Boston Terrier, Duke, who was literally the love of my life. The absolute sweetest, most loving dog there could be. But after many heart wrenching tears my despair was somewhat lifted by the fact that I found a couple who could not have been a better choice to adopt him.

In the mean time I had continued to date John. My boyfriend whom I met online (yes I dated online) who lives in Arizona. We decided to alternate months and fly back and forth once a month to see each other. In September he came to me and I took him to New York for the first time. He fell in love. And then so did we. So we decided that it was time to figure a way to be closer together. As fate would have it and the economy, he was laid off from his job in October and was forced to start looking for another. So he started looking for one close to me. I flew back out in November which reminded me that as soon as I graduate I want to move there because anywhere that is still 70 degrees in November is my kind of place. In December he came back out and we were fortunate to spend Christmas and New Years together. He stayed for about 2 months. Did a few interviews and on the very day that he left, while on his layover to go home he got the call for the job that he had wanted. So he went home and a week later packed up his stuff and drove across the country. Now he is here and staying with me for a bit until we can find him a fabulous (hopefully) place that is close to both work and me.
School restarted in September. Not so fun. Enough said.
I did also take up two new hobbies. Baking cupcakes and knitting. Cupcakes seems to be the craze of the nation but I am just now catching no and I love it. I bake them like every other week. In fact I just baked these absolutely delicious lemon filled cupcakes just last week. (Pics to come) Knitting is not an old lady hobby anymore so don't even start. I love it. My big goal is to be able to knit myself a gorgeous cardigan. I am not at that level quite yet as I am self taught but I am doing well if I do say so myself. And I do! I just finished a head band and an octopus toy for my cat. But my next big project is a capelet. So I bought this fancy yarn and as soon as I get it its go time.
So there you go. There is my amazingly boring life in a nutshell.